Don’t just do something, sit there!

The Nairobi Securities Exchange has lost about 60% of its value since 2015, causing anxiety for investors. It is painful watching your portfolio value shrink by 20, 40, or 60%. Nevertheless, investing during market downturns is a proven means of maximizing returns. It is precisely during these painful times that we need to remember the following Read more about Don’t just do something, sit there![…]

The power of dividends

So, you just received a dividend cheque? Don’t spend it. Reinvest it. Plenty of research (link, link, link) shows that reinvesting dividends is a winning investment strategy. Reinvesting is using your dividends to purchase additional shares in counters you currently hold. There are several excellent reasons for doing this. First, reinvesting dividends supercharges your returns. Read more about The power of dividends[…]